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Hong Kong Company Formation

Anyone can set up a Hong Kong company at a very low cost, however not everyone does it well. The notion of “you get what you pay for” certainly rings true here. You can pay the minimum fee to Companies Registry for an electronic incorporation and you will receive a certificate of incorporation. That’s it.


Your company will have standard model articles and you will have to sort out statutory registers, minutes and all of the other ongoing requirements, which can be a daunting task if you are new to the regime. Or you can muddle through, hoping for the best. This may work in the beginning but if you grow into a successful business and others (potential customers, suppliers, lenders and so on) carry out checks on your company you don’t want it to look a mess or be in a muddle. You need it to be professionally administered, right from the start.

Our tailored company formation service includes:

  • Electronic (same day) incorporation.


  • Certificate of incorporation.


  • A set of articles adapted to meet your company’s needs and to ensure ease of administration in the early days.

  • Completed statutory registers.


  • First board meeting minutes to get you off to a good start.

We can also provide ongoing advice and help with company law compliance in a cost effective way. You can relax knowing that our team of qualified company secretaries has the knowledge and experience to take care of share allotments, regular filings, board changes and more. See details of our Statutory Service for further details.

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